Wednesday 31 March 2010

The subject for today? Masturbation!

Wednesday, 31st March, 2010.

It's one of those subjects that never fails to raise a smile or two - yet over the centuries our attitude towards masturbation has seen complete transformation. Until quite recently and even as late as the 19th century, masturbation was considered to be a shameful disease, however, its therapeutic effects are now widely recognised and it is considered to be a very natural human activity.

Before Louis Pasteur educated us to the presence of germs in the 1870s, masturbation was blamed for just about everything from syphylis and gonorrhea to blindness: In latter times, however, there has been a complete reversal of this thinking and it is now seen in a more positive light.

In the UK, in 2009, a leaflet carrying the slogan 'an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away' was issued by the NHS in Sheffield:, and in fact, there are also now group masturbation events all across the globe.

Quite interestingly, it has also been suggested that women who are currently without a sexual partner tend to rely on other activities, such as bubble baths, romance novels or even chocolates to attain their emotional release:

Whilst it is a subject which has attracted plenty of attention over the years, what is clear is that society's views of what is good or bad can dramatically change over time, and masturbation serves as a useful example of this.

Anyway, that's all from me on the subject - I'm off to eat my entire body weight in chocolate - it is Easter, afterall!

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